About Us

Who We Are

We are a team of Vaping enthusiast’s that have been using Vaping products for over a decade. Having recognised the potential of “life changing impact” vaping may have on its users, and recognising the impact it may have on smokers worldwide we felt encouraged to invest our time and energy in understanding more about vaping….. 

We paid closer attention when Dr Farsalinos came out with his ground breaking study in 2012 and it really transformed with how Vaping was perceived globally.

Having a real sense of understanding of the products and really wanting to bring the best of what was available we decided to source from some of the most recognised manufacturers in the vaping space. We ventured farther and deeper in our mission to find the right products. We had many successes and also many many failures. But we understood all the outcomes would eventually lead us on a path to build a business that we and our customers could be proud of. Ultimately leading us to open our first physical store. 

Having a physical retail store thats been running very successfully has allowed us to really understand first hand the needs and demands of our customers. We are constantly searching for ways to bring the best products at the best prices and build on our reputation as the go to place for all vaping needs. 

We constantly aim to bring you the finest products by searching, reviewing and testing products, and then listening to what our customers want. Sometimes we don't follow the trends, or give into the hype... We only do this where we realise there maybe more “Hype than Substance” on some products. In an industry where there’s a plethora of products released regularly by manufacturers all over the world we feel its good practice to vet products than just offer all that is out there in this complex industry.

We really hope we can serve you well and we would love for you to share with us your experience whenever you visit us online or in store. It truly is a great feeling when we know we are making an impact in our customers lives. We sincerely thank all our customers for giving us the opportunity to be a part of their lives and choosing us to supply them with their vaping needs.

All the best


Free shipping on all orders over £25.


100% Money back guarantee


 Call us T: 03333 446 555 | M: 07481533000

Our Team


Jane Hammond


James Mason


Anderson Silver


Marie Vansky

Our History

history 2012

First steps to establish. From endless hours of product testing to many discussions on how best to serve in this new industry of vaping.

history 2014


history 2015

when an unknown printer took.

history 2019
